melissa's thoughts

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cool stuff

Create your own friendquiz here
Katy, my apologies for stealing all of your cool stuff. I just don't have the connections that you do!!! So, everytime you post a neat quiz or game, then I end up doing the same. Maybe its true that immitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!!
With that being said, folks, now try this...
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Smiley kids!

Here are my beautiful kids. Melina was having a cranky night, so we decided to cheer her up by snapping pictures. They are both hams!! Sam is such a good big brother...I don't know what we would do without him to play with his sister. When we are ready to throw up our hands in frustration, he always manages to bring a smile to Melina's face!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Still learning...

Well, I am pitifully slow at getting stuff on here. Just when I think I'm pretty savvy, I hit a wall. Yikes! I couldn't figure out how to post a new "thought". But, now I've got it (I think).

Anyways, I love this time of year...even though the weather is unpredictible. Today, every time I have looked out the window, it is completely different. First, snowy & overcast, then sunny & clear, then snow & sun so bright it hurts, and so forth. But, they (just who is "they," anyways)say its going to get bad tonight here, and that worries me because Tom (my wonderful husband!) has to drive into the snowbelt to get to work. So hopefully, the worst will pass on by.

I am so far behind with Christmas cards this year, I feel like I shouldn't even bother. I usually have them out by the day after Thanksgiving, but that holiday got crazy, and time got away from us. Or, me. Christmas card writing is not my husband's thing. Neither is Christmas shopping, or present wrapping, for that matter. But this year, I have Sam helping me. Ever watch an 8 year old boy wrap Christmas gifts? Not always a pretty site. I am struggling to not go back & re-wrap the ones he did, because I like to have gifts look pretty & neat, and his are a little...well, rough. But I am going to leave them alone, beacuse he put his heart into them, and at least he helped me. Next year, I will probably have Melina trying to help, so I guess I shouldn't complain about Sam's efforts!

Well, I hope to be back on here before Christmas arrives, so I will not add any Christmas wishes at this time. Stay safe, everyone, and I will talk at you soon!